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Guest Safety Procedures during Fire, emergencies

The act of delivering hospitality is thought to occur naturally. However, throughout this

text, delivering hospitality has been discussed as a planned concept, complete with

research on guests ̳ needs, policy and program development, establishment and

delivery of training programs, and follow-up information systems. Hospitality also

includes providing a safe environment for guests, which requires a well-organized

department to oversee and implement safety programs. The security department of a

hotel is vital to delivering hospitality to guests. This department is responsible for

establishing the details of the following systems:

ʘ Fire Safety

Fire is among the potential hazards associated with the hotel. Hotel must be equipped to safeguard guest and its property from the fire. All the employees must be aware of any specific procedure laid down for the establishment and be ready to comply with them at all the time.

The three basic elements if present at a place will result in outbreak of fire. They are:

  • Fuel (a combustible substance)

  • Oxygen (necessary as fire is an oxidation reaction)

  • Heat (ignition temperature)

If any one of them is absent the fire cannot outbreak. Therefore, fire can be extinguished by following three principles:

  • Starving: Starving is the removal of the fuel from the vicinity of fire so that there is nothing to burn. Suppose fire outbreaks in the area where wood is stored, it can be extinguished by removing all the wood from that area. This will lead to elimination of one major element necessary for fire.

  • Smothering: Fire can be extinguished by cutting off supply of air (oxygen) which is necessary for existence of fire. Removal of air is known as smothering.

  • Cooling: Heat (ignition temperature) is another essential for the existence of fire. Cooling can be achieved by putting water.

Classification of Fire:
Guest Safety Procedures during Fire, emergencies

Fire control equipment:
Fire Extinguisher:
  • Portable device used to extinguish or control small fires.

  • Different types for various fire classes

Hydrant and Fire Hose Reel:
  • Hydrants are outdoor water outlets for firefighters to connect hoses.

  • Fire hose reel is a cylindrical spindle with hoses for quick response to fires.

Smoke Detector and Heat Detector:
  • Smoke Detector: Detects smoke particles and triggers an alarm.

  • Heat Detector: Activates when it senses a significant rise in temperature.

Fire Alarm:

System that detects and notifies occupants of a fire, often including alarms, strobe lights, and sometimes voice instructions.

Water Sprinkler:
  • Automatic fire suppression system with overhead sprinklers that release water when triggered by heat.

  • Commonly used in buildings and warehouses.

Fire Blanket:
  • Fire-resistant blanket used to smother small fires by covering them.

  • Particularly useful for fires involving people or to wrap around someone whose clothing is on fire.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

Water-Based Fire Extinguishers

  • Composition: Water-based fire extinguishers typically contain pressurized water as the extinguishing agent. Some may also have additives to enhance effectiveness.

  • Suitable for: Class A fires involving solid combustible materials like wood, paper, rubber, and plastics.

  • How They Work: The cooling effect of water is essential to extinguish Class A fires. Water absorbs heat from the fire, reducing the temperature below the ignition point and suppressing the flames.

Foam-Based Fire Extinguishers

  • Composition: Foam extinguishers contain a mixture of water, foam concentrate, and a propellant (usually nitrogen). The foam forms a blanket that suppresses the fire.

  • Suitable for: Class A and Class B fires, making them effective for both solid combustibles and flammable liquids.

  • How They Work: The foam creates a layer that separates the fuel from the oxygen, suppressing the fire and preventing re-ignition. It also cools the fire and helps to seal flammable vapours.

Powder-Based  Fire Extinguishers (ABC/BC/D Type)

  • Composition: ABC powder contains a mix of monoammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, and ammonium phosphate. BC powder contains sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate. D Type powder is typically a special formulation for combustible metal fires.

  • Suitable for: ABC for Class A, B, and C fires; BC for Class B and C fires; D Type for combustible metal fires (Class D).

  • How They Work: Powder extinguishers interrupt the chemical reactions in the fire and coat the fuel, preventing contact with oxygen. They are effective for a wide range of fires.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguishers

  • Composition: Carbon dioxide stored in a liquid state and released as a gas through a horn or nozzle.

  • Suitable for: Class B & C fires involving flammable liquids or gases.

  • How They Work: CO2 displaces oxygen, suffocating the fire. It also removes heat, making it effective against fires involving flammable liquids and electrical equipment. The gas is non-conductive, making it safe for use on live electrical equipment.

Clean Agents Fire Extinguishers

  • Composition: Clean agent extinguishers use non-conductive and non- corrosive gases or chemicals like halocarbons or halon alternatives.

  • Suitable for: Class A, B, and C fires, especially in areas where minimal damage to equipment is crucial.

  • How They Work: Clean agents disrupt the combustion process without leaving residue. They are effective on a wide range of fires and are commonly used in areas with sensitive electronic equipment

Water Mist Fire Extinguishers

  • Composition: Water mist extinguishers use deionized water and a propellant to create a fine mist.

  • Suitable for: Class A and Class F fires involving cooking media (oils and fats).

  • How They Work: Water mist extinguishers use the cooling effect of water and the steam produced to smother the fire. They are also effective on Class A fires, and the fine mist reduces the risk of hot oil splashing.

  • To install appropriate firefighting system in hotel.

  • To provide fire extinguishers in kitchens.

  • To provide sprinkler systems in required areas.

  • To provide smoke detectors and fire signals.

  • To have flame proof motors in pumps and other such motor operated equipment located in the basement adjacent to control room.

  • To provide very good electric system.

  • Regular maintenance of water boilers, geysers, AC plants etc.

  • Staff should be trained to handle fire hazards.

  • Ensure that the valves of the gas bank are shut off after the kitchen closes.

  • Regular scheduled maintenance of all firefighting equipment.

Procedure in the Event of Fire:

Most of the hotels follow the following procedure in an event of fire:

  • First save yourself and then save others.

  • The person concerned must be informed immediately on detection of fire.

  • Do not panic

  • Warn other people on the vicinity and sound the fire alarm

  • Do not jeopardize your own safety or that of others

  • Follow the procedure laid down by your establishment

  • Fire brigade must be informed immediately

  • Dot not try to extinguish fire if you are not trained for the same otherwise your faulty procedure may lead to spread of fire.

  • If you are trained for firefighting, use appropriate fire extinguisher to extinguish fire, if the fire is small.

  • Close doors and windows; turn off supply of electricity and gas.

  • Do not wait for the fire to get out of control before calling fire brigade.

  • Every hotel has to obtain fire safety certificate from local fire services authorities.

  • The restaurants and hotels with seating capacity of 50 or more persons are required to ensure fire safety measures in place irrespective of the height of the building.

  • The restaurants are required to have a minimum fire safety device as specified by the local fire services department as follows:

  • An underground water tank of 50,000 litres capacity.

  • A terrace water tank of 5000 litres capacity for hose reel and 10,000 litres capacity if sprinklers are not provided.

  • If the covered area is more than 1500 sq. m or seating capacity is more than 1000 persons there should be a sprinkler system.

  • The fire water pump and fire water line have to be painted red.

  • The telephone numbers of the nearby Fire Stations are to be displayed in the reception area.

ʘ Room Key Security

The access to the room is controlled by placing lock at the door. Hotel has a strict control over the room keys. People who possess the key can access the room. Hotel may have hard key system or electronic key system. If hotel is using hard key system following security measures can be followed:

  • Ask the guest to deposit room keys at reception while moving out of the hotel premises.

  • Discourage guest to carry room key along with them while going out of the hotel premises. This is mostly done by putting heavy and large key tags which is inconvenient to carry.

  • In an event of loss of keys, the lock should be replaced immediately.

The electronic key system is an investment in guest safety and security. As each new guest registers, a fresh plastic, metallic or hard-pressed paper key is produced. The room door lock combination can be changed as and when required by option available through master computer, hence if a guest carries away the electronic key with them will not pose any security threat.

Types of Room Keys: Hotel, for security reason may use three types of room keys:

  • Emergency / Grand Master Key

  • Master Key

  • Guestroom Key

  • Floor Master key

Emergency Key / Grand Master Key: An emergency/grand master key opens all guest room door lock even if they are double locked (Double lock is an internal safety locking device, if locked from inside the room, it cannot be opened from outside by its own keys and master key). Emergency key should be highly protected and should only be used in an event of emergency. A strict key control is maintained for the same. It should not be taken out of the premises. Generally emergency key is under control of the head of the property.

Master Key: A master key opens all guest room lock which is not double locked. This key may be such that it can unlock all guest room lock or may open only specific floor’s guest room locks. The master key is under control of executive housekeeper of the hotel. There may be several floor master keys used by room attendant for cleaning guest room. These keys are strictly controlled and issued only to the staff on duty. They have to sign before taking the key and at the time of submitting.

Guestroom Key: These are individual room keys for each room. A guestroom key opens the lock of the individual guestrooms. These keys are under control of front desk. These are issued to guest who has registered and collected back when they depart from the hotel.

Floor Master Key: Given to Guest Room Attendants (GRAs) and floor supervisors, the Floor Master Key can open all rooms on a specific floor. However, it cannot open rooms that are double-locked. This key is crucial for housekeeping operations and is usually kept with the floor supervisor.


According to oxford dictionary, an unpleasant event that happens unexpectedly and causes damage, injury or death ‘. The accident may occur due to one of the following reasons:

  • Excessive haste

  • Carelessness

  • Anxiety

  • Lack of interest

  • Lack of concentration

  • Failure to apply safety rules

Excessive haste: Excessive haste is one of the prime causes of accident because person in haste may overlook the safety rules or obstacles in the way. Therefore, the golden rule should be never run to avoid an accident.

Carelessness: Carelessness is another root cause of accidents. A careless handling of the equipment may eventually lead to accidents.

Anxiety: Anxiety is a feeling of worry or fear. An anxious person will not be able to concentrate on the task that is

carried out by them and will lead to accidents.

Lack of interest: Lack of interest in the work leads to carelessness in the person and ultimately the person will not be able to follow the correct procedure for carrying out the task and accidents may occur.

Lack of concentration: there may be several reasons why an employee may not be able to concentrate on their work. The possible reason for lack in concentration are personal worries, lack of interest, distractions etc. When someone is not able to concentrate on their work may eventually meet with accidents.

Failure to apply safety rules:

Safety rules, if followed will prevent the occurrence of accidents. Operating procedures of any equipment that are mentioned in the manuals of equipment should be followed to eliminate the chances of accidents. A failure in applying safety rule will cause accident.

Accident Report: The organizations take all possible precautions to avoid accident but in spite of all care the accidents may occur. An accident occurring on the premises where the employee works must be reported to the employer and a record of the accident must be entered in the accident book as shown in figure 2.5. Proper reporting of accidents may help the management in following ways:

  • Identification and spotting the accident prone area so that appropriate signals may be place to avoid any future accidents.

  • Assessment of loss due to accident

  • Requirement of ambulance

  • First aid to be given

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