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Mother Sauces & Their Derivatives

Updated: Oct 4

Mother Sauces & Their Derivatives

Mother Sauces & Their Derivatives

Mother Sauces:

Mother sauces, first classified by French chef Marie-Antoine Carême and later codified by Auguste Escoffier, are foundational elements in classical French cuisine. They serve as the base for a wide range of derivative sauces and are essential for creating complex, flavorful dishes. Each mother sauce is made using a basic preparation technique and key ingredients that define its characteristic flavor and consistency. These sauces are used to enhance or complement a variety of dishes, from meats to vegetables.

Basic sauces, or mother sauces or Grand Sauces, form the foundation for many dishes and are classified based on their thickening methods: Roux-Based, Self-Thickening, and Emulsion-Based.

Roux-Based Sauces

These sauces use different types of roux—white, blond, or brown—as their thickening agents.

  1. Béchamel:  A white sauce made by combining a white roux (cooked briefly with equal parts butter and flour) with milk. The roux is lightly cooked to maintain a pale color and neutral flavor.

  2. Velouté: A light sauce made by adding stock (chicken, fish, or veal) to a blond roux (cooked until a pale tan color). The blond roux is made with equal parts butter and flour, providing a slightly richer color and flavor compared to a white roux.

  3. Espagnole (Brown Sauce): A rich, dark sauce made by combining a brown roux (cooked until deep brown with equal parts butter and flour) with brown stock, tomatoes, and mirepoix (carrots, onions, celery). The brown roux imparts a deep color and robust flavor.

Self-Thickening Sauces

These sauces thicken naturally due to their ingredients or cooking processes.

  1. Tomato Sauce: Made from tomatoes, onions, garlic, and herbs. It thickens naturally as it reduces during cooking, thanks to the natural pectin in tomatoes.

Emulsion-Based Sauces

These sauces are created by emulsifying fat with water or other liquids. Hollandaise and Mayonnaise are distinct in their preparation and characteristics.

  1. Mayonnaise: An emulsified cold sauce made by whisking together egg yolks, oil, vinegar or lemon juice, and mustard. The result is a stable emulsion with a creamy texture and tangy flavor.

  2. Hollandaise: An emulsified hot sauce made by combining egg yolks, clarified butter, and lemon juice or vinegar, using a double boiler to ensure gentle, indirect heating. This method prevents the eggs from scrambling while creating a smooth, rich emulsion.

Derivative Sauces

Derivative sauces are variations of the basic or mother sauces, created by adding different ingredients or modifying the base sauce to produce a new flavor profile. Each derivative retains the foundational characteristics of its mother sauce while introducing unique elements to enhance or alter its taste and application.

The table below shows various derivative sauces derived from different mother sauces:

1. Derivatives of Béchamel Sauce

Name of Sauce



Mornay (cheese sauce)

Béchamel + grated Gruyère cheese + liaison

Used in poultry, fish, vegetables, and pasta

Crème (cream sauce)

Béchamel + fresh cream

Used for eggs, poultry, fish, and vegetables

Soubise (onion sauce)

Béchamel cooked with chopped onions + fresh cream

To accompany eggs, veal, and lamb

Oignons (onion sauce)

Béchamel + chopped onions + fresh cream

To accompany eggs, veal, and lamb

Indienne (curry sauce)

Béchamel + cooked curry powder + onions + chopped tomatoes

To accompany eggs, fish, and vegetables

2. Derivatives of Velouté Sauce

Name of Sauce



Allemande (mushroom sauce)

Velouté + chopped mushrooms + liaison

Used in veal, vegetables, and poultry

Supreme (strained mushroom)

Velouté simmered with chopped mushrooms + liaison

Used for poultry and game birds

Aurore (tomato sauce)

Velouté + cooked and strained tomato puree

To accompany eggs, fish, veal, and poultry

Cardinal (seafood sauce)

Velouté + lobster butter + fresh cream

To accompany white fish and lobster

3. Derivatives of Espagnole Sauce



Demi-glaze (jus)

Equal parts of brown sauce + brown stock + reduced to half

Accompanies red meats and forms the base of other sauces

Bigarade (orange sauce)

Demi-glaze + reduced red wine + orange juice + red currant jelly

Used for duck

Diable (devil sauce)

Demi-glaze + reduced white wine + vinegar + cayenne pepper

To accompany roasted and grilled meats

Madeira (wine sauce)

Espagnole + Madeira wine

To accompany offal, beef fillet, veal, and ham

4. Derivatives of Tomato Sauce

Name of Sauce




Tomato sauce + garlic + onion + basil + oregano + olive oil

Used as a base for pasta dishes, pizza, and seafood


Tomato sauce + ground beef + onion + celery + carrots + milk

Used as a base for pasta dishes, especially lasagna


Tomato sauce + garlic + chili peppers + olive oil

Used as a spicy sauce for pasta


Tomato sauce + capers + olives + anchovies + garlic + chili peppers

Used as a flavorful and savory sauce for pasta

Vodka Sauce

Tomato sauce + vodka + heavy cream + garlic + basil

Used as a creamy and slightly spicy sauce for pasta


Tomato sauce + garlic + basil + olive oil

Used as a simple yet flavorful sauce for pasta

5. Derivatives of Mayonnaise Sauce

Name of Sauce



Aioli (garlic sauce)

Mayonnaise + pounded garlic cloves

Used in fish soups, eggs, and vegetables

Chantilly (cream sauce)

Mayonnaise + stiffly beaten whipped cream

Used for vegetable salads

Verte (green sauce)

Mayonnaise + puree of blanched spinach, watercress, and parsley

To accompany fish, eggs, and vegetables


Mayonnaise + chopped shallots + white wine + ketchup + brandy

To accompany seafood

Thousand Island

Tartare sauce + ketchup

Served with vegetables


Mayonnaise + chopped gherkins + capers + herbs

Served as a dipping sauce with fried fish

6. Derivatives of Hollandaise Sauce

Name of Sauce



Maltaise (orange sauce)

Hollandaise + juice of blood oranges + julienne of orange zest

To accompany vegetables

Mousseline (cream sauce)

Hollandaise + whipped double cream

Used for fish, chicken, sweetbreads, and vegetables

Moutarde (mustard sauce)

Hollandaise + Dijon mustard

To accompany eggs and fish


Hollandaise + shallots + tarragon + vinegar reduction

To accompany steaks, fish, and eggs

Choron (tomato sauce)

Béarnaise + cooked tomato puree

To accompany eggs and fish

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